Disabled people, those living with a long-term health condition and their families, now have the opportunity to help shape the future of services in England by sharing their experiences of the NHS and the care system with the regulator for the NHS in England – The Care Quality Commission (CQC). We received an outstanding response to our previous request for feedback to the CQC, and would like to take the opportunity to give those unable to respond at the time the chance to share their experiences of the NHS and care services with the CQC.
The CQC acknowledge that they have not previously planned the future of NHS and care services with input from disabled people and their families, so they are asking that we invite you to share with them, in confidence, your experiences through their Tell Us About Your Care programme. It allows you to provide the CQC first-hand with your experiences – during hospital stays, GP visits, accessing care services, etc. You can also do so anonymously. The simple to complete questionnaire will ask you for details of the location of the establishment and to describe your experiences as a user of their services.
The Tell Us About Your Care page can be located via this link. Once you have completed the questionnaire, we ask that you share this email with your family and friends so that they too can offer their own experience.
If you are unable to complete the survey online, please call us Monday – Friday on 0330 995 0400 and choose Option 1 (afternoons are quietest) and we can complete the survey for you and send your response to the CQC on your behalf.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a key provider of evidence to help shape the future of your care